25 years of Cambs Compressors 1993-2018

November 7, 2018

Jurassic Park and Sleepless in Seattle were released at the movies, Buckingham Palace opened its doors to the public for the first time and Cambs Compressors was launched by Mark Fryer with £350 and a second hand Mark 1 Ford Fiesta.

25 years of pioneering compressed air solutions

In 1993 Mark decided it was the time to go ‘self employed’ – aged 24, he set up Cambs Compressors working from home in a converted garage. Within 3 months business was so good he took on his first employee. A year later the garage couldn’t support the business needs and Cambs Compressors relocated to a 500 sq foot industrial unit in Chettisham, Ely, Cambs. Over the next 6 years business grew steadily and another four people joined the team.

The millennium, another move and 100% growth

The year 2000 may be remembered by many as the year the millennium bug scare stories faded away. However this was the year Cambs Compressors doubled its workforce from 6 to 12 employees and moved to Lancaster Way Business Park – a modern business park in Ely, Cambridgeshire – and is named after the bombers which flew from the site – it was formerly RAF Witchford – during the Second World War and was bought from the Ministry of Defence in the 1960s.

2004 Invested in CAMBS System to manage contracts more efficiently

With a rapidly growing customer base and multiple engineers, it was critical the customers continued to receive the very highest levels of service. This meant the profiles of each customers compressed air system, the makes and models of equipment and key contacts – together with a detailed history of previous work needed to be instantly available to anyone talking to the client or working within their premises. Having spent much time looking for a digital solution, Mark took the brave step and invested in developing his own bespoke software – CAMBS System. This enabled the next growth phase in the business.

2008 Relocated to Chatteris, and a second depot at Stoke Rockford

The business grew, moved and rode out the greatest economic downturn in living history with the credit crunch. With Banks collapsing and the economy flatlining the business continued to deliver exceptional service levels to those who understood the value of having a high quality compressed air system. With an ever growing reputation for responsive engineers who could fix the problem in the shortest timeframe, the business developed wider expertise in creating compressed air solutions for OEMs and bespoke service packages.

March 2017 moved to St Ives embrace technology

The internet infrastructure was a major consideration as systems grew smarter and the dependency on accessing the data held became fundamental to the efficient servicing of clients. After 18 months of analysing the key areas of business growth and reviewing the optimum location – CAMBS Compressors relocated to a business park, St Ives, Cambridgeshire. Now at the heart of technology and business in the UK, Cambs Compressors is perfectly situated to service Cambridgeshire, the county of Northampton and East Anglia.

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