Boosting productivity and wellbeing

January 31, 2022

After doing some research and talking to the team at Cambs Compressors, taking a lunch break has been made a mandatory activity!

Resisting the pressure to skip lunch

When Mark and Annthea spoke about their findings to the team, they discovered that most of the team skipped taking a full lunch break. The reason for this was simple: they have too much work to do. On the face of it, this seems like great news for Cambs Compressors. It shows commitment, a hard-working ethos, and suggests we're getting the very most from our people during the working week. However, Annthea and Mark explained that where possible, a regular lunch break and a chance to step away from the desk or 'coalface' should be encouraged.

The impact of working through lunch

If you regularly work through your lunch break, you're more likely not to eat at all or only manage to have a quick snack while working. The impact of this upon your physical well-being isn’t hard to imagine it can negatively impact your outlook. Studies show that taking a lunch break allows your mind to rest, recharge and refocus, which can directly improve your productivity for the rest of the day. Taking time out during the day – even if you choose to have multiple, short breaks – this gives your brain a chance to recuperate.

Kimberly Elsbach, a professor of organisational behaviour at the University of California, told the Huffington Post, that not taking breaks from routine can impact productivity, self-worth and creativity. She comments, “lunch isn’t just an opportunity to nourish your body; it’s an opportunity to nourish your mental state, your mind, and that has much more to do with taking a break from a routine surrounding.”

The importance of taking breaks

When working on a complex problem or when you feel that you have too much to do, it is easy to convince yourself that you do not have the time to take breaks. However, research has found that taking a break can be very beneficial for you and your work.  Micro-breaks, lunchtime breaks and longer breaks have all been shown to have a positive relationship with wellbeing and productivity. By taking regular breaks you can actually boost your performance.