Nathan Hooker, Field Engineer joins Cambs Compressors

June 6, 2022

Nathan Hooker is an experienced field engineer and is a welcome addition to the growing Cambs Compressors team.

Family pedigree in engineering

All of my family are engineers, so when I left school it made sense for me to go down the same career path. Once I completed my NVQ in motor vehicle mechanics, I went on to work as a compressor engineer at a scuba diving site, and since then have worked for different companies including Anglian water, maintaining and running their largest water treatment works. I was really pleased to land the Field Engineer job, and I love how varied the work is at Cambs Compressors. No two days are the same, and that’s what keeps things interesting.

When it's not compressed air it's pressurised ale!

I enjoy watching and playing snooker. I also enjoy maintaining and improving my home bar draught system. I have a lot of involvement in working mens clubs and will often carry out cellar maintenance work in my spare time for them.