The owner of every compressed air system over 250 bar/litres needs a Written Scheme of Examination, by law.
What is a written scheme of examination?
A written scheme of examination is a document containing information about selected items of plant or equipment which form a pressure system, operate under pressure and contain a ‘relevant fluid’. The term relevant fluid is defined in the Regulations and covers compressed or liquefied gas, including air, at a pressure greater than 0.5 bar (approximately 7 psi) above atmospheric pressure; pressurised hot water above 110 °C; and steam at any pressure.
You must demonstrate you know the safe operating limits
Under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000, users and owners of pressure systems are required to demonstrate that they know the safe operating limits (principally pressure and temperature) of their systems, and that they are safe under those conditions.
A statutory inspection
All new and existing compressed air installations must conform to the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR2000). All pressure systems larger than 250 bar/litres must have a ‘written scheme of examination’ and a statutory inspection in accordance with the written scheme. A written scheme of examination is a report that details safety devices and components associated with the systems pressure vessels. It also includes inspection periods for each device or component. In some cases a schematic drawing of the whole air network is required. Serial numbers are recorded and items labelled for easy identification in the future.
Re-inspection periods
The written scheme of examination will also include re-inspection periods for each type of product and potentially any other required certification and test processes.
Download HSE Safety of pressure systems
Reg 8 pg 34/35 discusses inspection interval but at the end of the day it is down to the inspector to decide how often the equipment should be inspected
What happens if your compressed air system changes?
If your compressed air system changes, for example you add another pipework branch, the written scheme of examination needs to be updated with the changes made and the new safety related items recorded, tagged and checked to fall in line with the other equipment.
Cambs Compressors helping you minimise costs and maximise efficiency
Cambs Compressors are able to provide all necessary services required by the pressure systems safety regulation. To provide a more cost effective service our representative can complete a full site audit to identify, inspect and test all the safety related equipment in your compressed air system – plus any other equipment requiring a written scheme of examination.
- The identification stage can be completed when the system is live.
- The inspection/test can only be carried out when the system is drained and not operating.
- A Written Scheme of Examination needs to be updated if you modify your compressed air system
Speak to Cambs Compressors and we can get one of our qualified inspectors to come to site to discuss the process further with you.